Matthew Miner

Unity Cutscene Editor Initial Release

Today I’m releasing the cutscene editor I worked on as part of Unity’s Summer of Code last year. The version number is 0.1 — it’s several features short of what I envisioned and it’s not as user-friendly as I’d like it to be — but it’s important to get the existing code out there for other eyes to see. What’s missing now is a sample scene, proper documentation, transitions, and a decent live preview, among other things. The “filters” concept (which applies full-screen effects to cameras) is half-baked. Transitions didn’t even make it to the oven. In other words, not all functionality you might expect is there, and the usability is frightening.

With that disclaimer out of the way, I intend to continue improving the editor and get it to the point where it’s indispensable to developers building cutscenes. I have set up a project on Google Code where the .unitypackage can be downloaded. The code hasn’t yet been saved to a subversion repository, but it will be soon. The code is licensed under the liberal MIT license, so feel free to use it however you wish. I welcome any and all contributions; additional developers would be fantastic. Bug reports and feature requests, which I encourage you to make, can be logged on the issue tracker.

If you have any questions or want to lend your developer talent, email me at In the coming weeks I’ll post how to use the tool, and I hope improvements as well.